... the TV was never invented?
I started thinking on these lines when I was reading this book titled 'Cosmos'. It's a wonderful book about the history of astronomy, & it's packed with these fantastic lil stories & anecdotes about how someone discovered something in the sky one day & things like that. It seemed so exciting, & I started wondering about how many times I have looked at the sky. I wondered why I never got any of these simple questions about the sky, stars & planets.
This thought stuck in my mind & then over a period of about a couple of weeks morphed into 'why don't I ever find out the answers to the questions in my mind?'. If I think about it, almost all the stuff I know today, I've learnt because either someone taught me that, or told me about it or I just happened to come across it while reading a book, or watching TV or during a conversation - basically I was never looking to find out the answer to a question; either I had to, or just happened to find out.
And then over the next couple of weeks, that thought morphed again into 'would I do that if there was no TV?'. Sounded a bit silly to me, but the fact remains that I do watch a LOT of TV. I mean I wouldn't even be writing this right now. I would've been watching it.
So here's a lil experiment. Every time I'm about to go watch TV, I'll ask myself 'what if there was no such thing as TV?' & then lets see what happens. I'll probably write about the outcome after a month or so.